Haha the idiots announce a benefit of brexit

This Rwanda plan is the death knell for the tories

Brexit is the gift that keeps on giving

People with lower cognitive ability were more likely to vote for Brexit

I have gone back to watching Survivors on TV

Not much sleep

There's always a new Madeleine McCann revelation when someone wants news to disappear

Brexit has failed, did you know?

Not really a beer festival

If you're not angry you're not paying attention

Full day at Harry Potter Studios

The Puttshack scores are in

I like Henning Wehn

Get Borexit done

The most serious thing of all

Now where is that GHIC?

Mouse man came back for the third time

The life and lies of Boris Johnson

Getting things done


That was your longest walk on Strava

Not going out

No nukes yet

Habitat Radius tallboy is creeping up in price

Runuary day thirty

Runuary day seventeen

Runuary day four

Rest of the weekend: Pizza Express

Rest of the weekend: flipout

The absolute shamelessness of it

Thing one having a good day

This website is petrol powered

Voluntarily not going to the Inn Doors today

No petrol, no food, no gas, no trade deal

Where is my furniture?

What a lovely picture

Lovely long weekend continued with a bit of a pub crawl

Runuary day thirty

Sounding better for my new running shoes

Not sounding good for my new running shoes

This is incredible

Boris Johnson brexit claims fact checked

Happy New Year

Actually back at work

Had to finally abandon my secret plan

Well into the last week before christmas

Another hectic day of work

I made another rubbish game

No run today did not sleep well

Ha ha soy sauce-gate


If I've understood it correctly...

This is nice, you voted for this

New pub day

Two days of tennis

Do not buy a dyson until you hear back from me

Our turn to do a quiz next week

Quiz and a busy weekend of stuff

Great long weekend, and Febrewery completed

It's the final countdown

What was wrong with my Stewart Lee review then?


You've let me down, you've let the school down, but most of all you've let yourself down


I hope these two untrustworthy characters will remain true to their word

Kent Test results day

Amazing SEO skills from Boris Johnson (remember he lied in front of a bus)

Fun news today

No-one ever watched so much of the BBC parliament channel

Worse weather and broken government

Exciting watching the rebellion against Boris Johnson

Swimming and Kalala - at least no-one died

No polling card, suspicious

Greens take on Folkestone and Hythe District Council

The Brexit Party

My favourite vending machine crisps have leapt in price

The end of May at the end of March

5.4 million signatures so far

No deal or no brexit?

If this deal does not go through tonight, then this House risks no Brexit at all

Last Christmas (in the EU)

M26 closed overnight

"I will return" I said in 2014

New Banksy appeared in Dover at the weekend

Fareham is "well to do" it says here

Happy Article 50 day

Parliament will debate "Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdo"

Too hectic to post anything

Some MPs ready to vote against Brexit

People of America you have let us down

Brexit court defeat for UK government

Everything's going up in price because you voted to leave the EU

Shit just got real!!!

The pound is doing well then

The lies and the backtracking of the leave campaigners

I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed

Brexit is a stupid choice

Brexit in seven charts