Blog2016 ≫ People of America you have let us down

More than that you have let yourselves down. As with our brexit a lot of you tried to do the right thing, but it was not to be. This is a lot like brexit, except that a) it has actually happened and b) it appears to be binding. My opinion counts for nothing on this, it's none of my business, but being a citizen of nowhere I'm entitled to be concerned about it.

Clare could not sleep for being worried about it, and got up and checked early what was going on. Again, like the brexit referendum.

This is a good podcast - Trump claimed that 600 million migrants would arrive in the US in a week if Clinton won, trebling the size of the population. For that to happen EVERYONE from every country in Central and South America would have to come, all at once. Here's another list of the mad stuff Trump seems to believe, or has claimed.

I don't move in the sort of circles where I'd know people who think this is a good thing, not even online. Not sure I even know many who were entitled to vote in this. Think Kev was, not sure how he voted he was saying something like Trump is not as bad as people make out - though he would not vote for him - when I saw him last. Mind, I was drunk so I may have misunderstood.

Actually I know one person who thinks this is good, he said

Well, I could say so much!!! I see the doom mongers amongst us are up and about!

He is "just" a figure head, everything he suggests has to be tempered/agreed by the Senate and the House of Representatives. Whether he likes it or not, he is not running a dictatorship! People worldwide want change, whatever has gone on hasn't worked (in the majority of people's eyes), so change is required, hence Brexit, hence Le Penn in France, hence the rise of right wing parties across most of Europe!!

Hmm. People are idiots.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.