Blog2021 ≫ Lovely long weekend continued with a bit of a pub crawl

We had a cup of tea and a chat and then I'd run out of time to walk into Fareham to meet my friends so got a lift. We had a table booked outside the Cob And Pen and that was lovely to sit in the sun. Five of us sat and ordered pints on the app and chatted about who knows what. So nice to meet up again. It always feels like too long when I see these boys, but this time we had even more of an enforced absence.

We could have stayed in just that pub, but had a bit of a plan to head to The Fareham and also to get some food. Not sure what made us stop in The Golden Lion, but we could, and so we did. We ordered drinks and then spotted they had a beer garden so headed out there, and then spotted they really have two beer gardens, and it made a really nice place to sit.

While we were there we got a call to say there were actually free tables at the West Street Ale House. We originally wanted to go there but it's very small and was previously booked so we'd written that idea off. We went in there for one, a bit worse for wear really at this point. You're allowed to bring food in here, so someone ordered from Umami, and we stayed until this place closed at maybe nine? Then to the Wetherspoons until we couldn't drink any more. Not even the better Wetherspoons in Fareham, but the worse one. Which maybe actually is the better one1. Which I'm sure turned out to be only one pint, but Dad says I texted him at half eleven to say I was getting a lift back. I got a lift back, though I think I'd have felt a bit fresher the next morning if I had walked it off.

So nice to see everyone, did I mention that?


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed + dad to 2, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.