Blog2019 ≫ Swimming and Kalala - at least no-one died

Took thing two swimming today for a bit of a refresher, as swimming lessons are back next week and we've not been all summer. It was not a roaring success, but he was quite keen to practice his kicking using the float.

After this he talked me into going to Kalala for lunch, I was not keen but he was insistent. And then he wouldn't really eat anything in there. There were not many vegan options either, so mostly I had brocolli. Won't be rushing back there, though we had considered it for a family outing some time soon.

Don't forget to sign the petition1! Though not much point really. They say if it gets that many signatures it will definitely be debated but they're likely to play funny buggers with it and debate it after it is too late.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web developr, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.