Blog2019 ≫ Worse weather and broken government

Yesterday was the first day for ages that I'd felt the need to wear a long sleeved top, and today it's got even more autumnul. Quite breezy out there and actually dark. It's more normal UK weather but still a bit of a shock from the heatwaves we've had recently. Still got the shorts on though for another month at least.

Developments in parliament were exciting yesterday, Boris Johnson being defeated and the defection from the tory party. Then him saying "I don't want an election (aside, really I do)" and Jeremy Corbyn saying "well we do want an election (aside, really we don't)". I hope it will turn out that both are bluffing and when a snap election is called, parliament will not approve it.

There's still a chance it will all be OK.

My new phone arrived and is all set up now, seems OK so far. It's still not fancy enough tech to be allowed on the work wifi network, shame, but it was not worth me paying extra for that. It's syncing with my Fitbit, but I'm yet to see if it will do the Strava business automatically. It's got the fingerprint recognition that I was missing while using my reserve phone, and face recognition that I did not know I needed. Haven't tried it yet.

I'm adding "sedentary minutes" to my daily activity graph, this means minutes spent not moving while wearing the fitbit. I do try to keep it on all day and night so it should include all my sitting and sleeping and I should be trying to keep that line as low as possible. Also plotting "very active minutes" there so that would mostly show my time spent running.

Speaking of running this sounds like the event for me1, but ouch, £50 entry fee.

It's go live day today with the multi-currency project I have been working on. It's gone smoothly but with lots of delays waiting on third parties. Think we've done a good job and we're going out to celebrate at Sunshine Barbecue tomorrow. Celebrating this before seeing how it actually performs live and before we've made a single booking, but HEY!


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.