Blog2022 ≫ I tried to buy a new hoodie from

I have been looking around for a new hoodie to replace my other hoodie what shrunk a bit in the wash, and the one I like best is the same hoodie, but in the next size up, assuming it will shrink in the wash again. It's cheaper online than when I bought it in Stratford. But the website is not working. Looks like it is trying to track me, and it should not be doing that, and it failing to track me stops the purchase working.

screenshot of broken

Saved me some money, I can get by without it. First world problem anyway. Things still not going well in Ukraine, but also arguably going very badly for Russia. They must be now regretting starting this, like we all are. Very odd to see a load of UK accounts on twitter defending Russia, it's all the same anti-vax type conspiracy accounts, which is definitely proof that Russia is behind all of the online misinformation. You know that time you heard from a friend of a friend in the NHS about foreigners jumping the queue for treatment and that's why you voted for brexit? You were played, by Russia.

Got a fun "tech improvement day" tomorrow at work, some time to try out things we've wanted to work on for a while but don't fit into the normal schedule. I hope I am not battling against Docker all day. Also on work, we are back to the office before the end of the month. One day a week, and with my leftover days off I'm not actually back until the beginning of April.

Ooh I have a random wine delivery on the way. They did not have what I wanted so I went for a wildcard box of wine, hope there is something nice in there.

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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the deep South. Wed and father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.