Blog2022 ≫ Hot again but the roads are moving

Very good night at the Inn Doors last night, only slightly too much to drink. Up for Parkrun as usual, bit of a slow one, very hot again. Quicker than last week but it really felt slow today, I struggled towards the end.

Folkestone parkrun results for event #343. Your time was 00:24:06.

Congratulations on completing your 94th parkrun and your 85th at Folkestone parkrun today. You finished in 47th place and were the 44th Male out of a field of 285 parkrunners and you came 7th in your age category VM45-49. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Folkestone parkrun remains 00:20:50. Your best time this year remains 00:21:36.

We got there with our new free bus pass, we have free travel in Kent for the next six weeks, nice! I took the boys with me, they sat in the cafe, then after we carried on into Hythe. One of them pointed out the food fair was on in Holman's Field again. Same stands as usual, slightly fewer of them, wasn't really very good. We had lunch their though, thing one did the best with some fries loaded with pulled pork. Thing two enjoyed his disgusting hot dog but the chips with that were pretty poor for an extra four quid. I had an average samosa and bhajia but an above average cider to wash it down. I bought some pickle from Cherry Tree, some horseradish and some hot garlic.

Was worried we'd not be able to get the bus back because of the roads being too busy. Some bus routes were closed, but we got home no problem. This is what taking control of your borders looks like, don't blame the French, blame the people who voted for brexit.

Pleasingly round numbered gig anniversary, the very first Beta Band gig twenty five years ago today in 1997. Tiger today in 1998, and Suicidal Tendencies today in 1993.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.