Getting there with my gigography now, the list of all the gigs I remember going to, from 1987 up to about now.
It's a natural step from my Best Gigs Ever post.
Well that's the theory, so there's A LOT missing.
I have chucked in details from the big bag of old gig tickets that I gathered while I was in London, + a box of old concert tickets and things from Mum and Dad's loft.
Also got lots of gaps regarding festival lineups, they'll prob'ly stay missing, it's so hard to remember. There's a stack missing where I've lost tickets or never had them, most of the guestlist actions during my NME and Popex years and that.
Yeah I know it's a bit geeky, let's let that go though, I'm having fun remembering these things.
Probably I've not started scanning the tickets in yet Of course I have scanned the tickets now[^But I've lost the bag of tickets before I scanned them all in!]...
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
A rare night out to a local gig these days. A friend suggested it, could be a good one.Support from Heaven 17, really?UPDATE: I misdated this for a while[^I misdated EVERYTHING here at some point. I think I must have been mixing up days and months or something to have got it all so badly wrong.], fixed now.…
Tue Nov 19 2019
A birthday present, a very rare night out for the two of us. Not see Rob Newman for a very long time, nor even heard of him gigging much.…
Sat Oct 05 2019
Pondered going to this for a while then mentioned it to Jack when we were at Suede + "oh yes, I'm going I might have a spare ticket" + yes it happened! I don't like this venue but it could be / should be the last time to see them on their "End Of The Road" tour.Writing this after the event, support was from a Rolf Harris style painter David Garibaldi who threw up huge portraits of John Lennon, Freddie Mercury + KISS live on stage.All the pyrotechnics + things at this gig. They opened with Detroit Rock City + ended with Rock'n'Roll All Night, and in between was some killer and a little filler... I will write it up in posts connected to this.…
Thu Jul 11 2019
Jack has talked us into going to this one. It is a Saturday night probably...…
Sat Apr 27 2019