Blog2005 ≫ Best Gigs Ever

Hmm, having no joy tracking down the full 100 of Time Out's best london gigs chart they did last issue, but prompted by a thread on PopExcellent I've had a think about my top five gigs... I'm sure I'll think of more later and strike these out...

  1. Blur @ Goldsmith's College, New Cross, That London, Reading warmup 1999 (I think) - BLIND drunk, fell in a bush in front of my new boss, and you can see me getting dragged out of the photo pit by security on the South Bank Show Special that was filmed there.
  2. The Revolting Cocks @ London Astoria, January 1991 - they had strippers on stage, you can see me stage diving on the bootleg video of the gig.
  3. Wolfsbane @ The Marquee, October 1990 maybe? Can't remember too much about it, but I know I always put this gig on my list, even though I went there on my own. More stagediving.
  4. Belle & Sebastian, Union Chapel, July 1997 - Partly just because Idleberry1 popped up again here and I know she's a monster fan. We paid way over the odds from a tout to get in, but just had to see them. Got into the after show in the back bar, there was no-one there but a few of my friends and Jarvis Cocker, it was ace. No stagediving.
  5. Suede, Camden Electric Ballroom, July 2002 - Fan club gig, first we had to yawn and drink through the new album, but then they played a hits set (which they'd been not doing for a while), then a set where they had a "wheel of fortune" on stage with all the songs they NEVER play, so we got some of their best stuff including "My Dark Star" and "The Living Dead"...

Hmm, I have no local gigs here, from my many years in Portsmouth and Southampton, mostly because I can't remember much about them, what a shame... Also none from gigs by my fave bands that I've seen, like Pixies, AC/DC, Motley Crue, and KISS. Also I have no Darkness gigs here, even though I've seen them 40 times or more2. maybe just because I'm slightly down on them right now. It's time to threaten to go through all the old ticket stubs again and put all these old gigs in my online calendar3!

Hello, is anyone still listening?

UPDATE: See my full gigography4...

💬 3520

💬 Repetition

💬 of course

💬 Stage dive?

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed + dad to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.