Blog ≫ 2024Very little more boring that other people's dreams

Last night and / or this morning (it went on forever) I thought I had to go back to Holiday Extras to work. I had ten days I had to do back there for some reason, I had tokens or tickets. I've not been back there for years, I don't know who is still there, I didn't know who to ask for or how to get in. In the end in the dream I decided just not to go. It was so realistic I thought I was awake, and maybe that's what empowered me to change it at the end. I had another dream like that the other day, a regular dream I have about needing to get somewhere, then the trains go wrong, and I need to get somewhere else, always the urge to be somewhere else but it's out of my control. In that last one I thought "wait, this is a dream though, so it doesn't matter if I go or not", and it was all OK. Maybe I have developed the skill to transcend dreams, like Freddie Krueger, or Sasappis from Ghost US.

There's a third series of Ghost US on. It's not as good as the original Ghosts was, but it is good, and it is taking its own spin. Not so sure on them introducing new ghosts and ghost powers more often than the UK one did. We are enjoying it though.

Last night we did watch Time Bandits. Well, I did, not sure the boys were as engaged.

Not going to into the office today because of these dregs of covid. It was covid, definitely.

Free Energy today1, I must put some washing on and a dry. We have had the tumble dryer on quite a bit recently anyway. The difference between lots of washing and no washing / free washing is about £2 a day.

Heavy rain and a moderate breeze, 15 - 18℃.

Energy usage

Energy usage graph, electricity and gas 0 - 50 - Axes of graph Jul 19 20 21 22 23 24 Graph line from 2.02 to 77.49p last week p last week Graph line from 1.75 to 95.11p p Thu £4.96 Fri £3.99 Sat £6.59 Sun £4.86 Mon £8.35 Tue £7.24 Graph line from 0 to 95.11 Graph line from 0 to 0

This week 20 years ago

25 years ago

30 years ago

Blog ≫ 2024Back to work today

Well not actually out of the house or anything crazy like that, but out of my sick bed, and down to the study to work. Managed to get the bit of work I needed live today live in the end. I left instructions (bad instructions) for someone else to do it to help me out but they were such bad instructions he had no chance. I thought if he could start it off it would help me out and I could just finish it and put it live. If I had started the work I'd need someone else to approve it, but if someone else starts it I can make any changes I like, approve it, put it live, everything. However I'd told him completely the wrong system to make changes on and caused great confusion.

I got some help on the bit of my "new relic as code" that was confusing me, trying to work out how incorporate this thing that makes schemas into my typescript in a non clunky way. My fault was using typescript as the source of truth and then trying to build a runtime scheme out of that. It worked, but it was a bit weird. If I build the schema first then that can be exported as a type instead, so the schema is the source of truth, and then the typescript is like a side effect of that. It works nicely. Not that I am warming to typescript yet, not really.

Think we're about to watch the new series of Time Bandits on TV. Then, the week is just about over isn't it? Trying to think of something to do on Saturday for our birthday. We have given up on Brighton as it's going to take about three hours to get there and three hours to get back, so we'll probably go to London instead. We can be there in an hour. I'm looking for a gaming arcade for the boys, but there really aren't many any more.

Free energy is back tomorrow1.

Light rain and a gentle breeze, 15 - 19℃.

Blog ≫ 2024Health stats 24/7/24

🚶 7548 steps

Sunny. 15 - 19℃

Blog ≫ 2024Watching a Habitat Radius blanket box

These things are rare now, there are a whole load of people watching this. I would have to go up to Essex to collect it if I won. But I won't win. I have not even bid. I might put in a last minute bid if I remember.

Quite a boring day being off sick, I've mostly been sat doing online window shopping. Also got my eye on a rain jacket and a pair of shorts from Patagonia, but I don't think I need them. The shorts might be good, they sort of fit into the dream of going from the boat to the bar, but they don't have a secure pocket I don't think. I might need some more nice looking shorts for our next holiday. The rain jacket also might be good for that as it packs down super small, it's a modern day cagoul like we used to have, only 30x more expensive.

I could be doing some work now, I might do some at the end of the day. I need to set something up for tomorrow. I could have worked this afternoon, but I cannot talk without starting coughing again so probably best to just sit in silence. As I'm feeling a bit better I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow.

Blog ≫ 2024Both boys are playing Fallout on the XBox

They are gaming together which is nice.

Blog ≫ 2024Another sick day

Took the day off work yesterday, and am again today. Mostly just a cough now but definitely feels covidesque. Coughing is giving me a headache and feeling tired, will mostly just lie here today I think.

Had plans to make the boys to exercise every day in the summer, tht goes out of the window again. At least T2 did do some guitar practice yesterday, and T1 got on with a summer homework assignment already.

I think I found a mistake on Dreamland's wall of posters, they have The Sweet performing on the 22nd of July 1972 and Roy Orbison performing the same day. Maybe these were all ensemble cabaret shows, it is quite likely I suppose.

Poster made of old adds for Dreamland in Margage, mostly from the 1970s

Found this old add though that says he was doing a personal appearance on the cinema stage, so maybe it all works out.

Roy Orbison at Dreamland, personal appearance in cinema, advert, 1972

Light rain and a moderate breeze, 13 - 22℃.

Blog ≫ 2024Health stats 23/7/24

🚶 2112 steps

Passing clouds. 17 - 21℃

Blog ≫ 2024More Volcano!

This is interesting, especially this bit:

The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 led to the average global temperature cooling by 0.5C over the following couple of years.

Large scale environmental fiddling it sure to go wrong though. One volcano though having that much impact is quite amazing.

Drizzle and a fresh breeze, 16 - 20℃.

Blog ≫ 2024Wine slushie???

I will not be making a wine slushie with one of these this week. But, you can make a wine slushie? And it's a known thing? And with this you can make one at home? This new device from Ninja does look really good, but... a) it's sold out already, there are waiting lists, b) that's in the USA only, it's not even in the UK yet. C) it is definitely the most gimmicky of gadgets, it would not get used a lot, maybe just come out at hot weekends (which we don't have many of) and parties (which we have zero of). D) I am not allowed the current Ninja multicooker in the kitchen, even though I use it several times a week, as our kitchen doesn't have the room. This device might be slightly narrower, but is even heavier, so carrying it up to the kitchen from the utility on a regular basis might not be good. It could just live in the utility, or the study, especially if I do ever make the clever study / bar combo that I have a dream of doing.

One to think about.


Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in A small town. Wed to Clare + dad to 2, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.