Why's jquery ajax status not working for me?

A chum is looking for a full time web monkey

Lunches for the week all made!

Ajax landing page

RE: Tipping etiquette - 11518

everything is json these days

New JSON feed of my blog

Ajax landing page

Ajax landing page

Ajax landing page

Ajax landing page

Flickr, now with built in geocoding

My last things

Done my Javascript referer thing

Woo, new computer is on the way

What am I, a scone?

Fair enough

RE: Google Calendar - 8120

It's good to be back, it's good to be back

Just five more minutes


Is there not a login box over on the right there? -->

RE: AJAX progress and a small update - 4301

AJAX progress and a small update

Sly new coding feature


the friend of a friend (foaf) project


More Javascript

Google Base

Google Maps ?

Upload a file

Folkestone property map

MSN Virtual Earth

Gmaps Pedometer

Google Maps API

Google Map App

Traffic and Rail map

Of course I have an RSS feed