PaulyGigography2000 ≫ Spearmint

Dingwalls Camden Lock, London NW1 8AL

I didn't like it it seems, shame, I thought I liked Spearmint!

💬 Get ready to get ready to ROCK!

💬 Gigs for tonight...

💬 Ever banged your finger in a door?

I was at this one, more from this year in my gigography for 2000. I have seen Spearmint probably 2 times; Scalarama 2 @ The Scala ('00), + Dingwalls (2000), though I still have some bragging tagging to do so this may go up. Part of every gig I was at from '87 to 2024. It's an obvious step from my Best Gigs Ever blog post. Yeah I know a bit nerdy, let's let that go though, I'm enjoying reminiscing about these things.

Thu Oct 12 2000

Other gigs at Dingwalls I attended are David Devant ('04), Haven (2002), Camdemonium (2000), Cousteau ('00), Kathryn Williams ('00), Camdemonium (1999), Robyn Hitchcock (1999), Grandaddy (1998), Marion (1998), David Devant + His Spirit Wife (1997), Helen Love (1997), David Devant ('97), + Baader Meinhof Revue ('96).

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