New release of my lightwaverf home automation ruby gem

Would you like an imac?

Got my Pi on!

More presents

One step closer to a xbox media centre

More wifi fun

Speaking of consoles...

yeah nice and fast

Just been on there a fair while

I think my old iMac is behaving OK

we had the same problem


Working from home


get osx on it!

IPOD crunch time

iMac latest

Who was talking about Bloglines the other day?



Here's what to do with that free iMac

And here we are!

NOW what do I complain about?

yeah, they're not related though


iMac update

That's the bunny!

Where were you yesterday man?

okey, apparently it's the PRAM thats the problem

Mac boot key combos

Email, weemail more like

Not much going on today