Abel Olliffe | Olliffe family tree / genealogy

BORN EST 1572 (guessed based on child ages)

FATHER unknown

MOTHER unknown

We have no ancestors for Abel. Abel lived during the reign of Elizabeth I. We have 2 descendents for Abel. We have 783 people in this family tree with 100 different family names, including 2 called Olliffe.

Abel is 11x great-grandfather to Paul Leslie CLARKE

Clarke tree, + connecting branches and roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic and beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, so many others, see the whole list. If you think you might have a connection to our tree, or would like to put out a request for family tree stuff assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... The site is also home to my blog, with links to all the things I like. It's all about me, my wife and our beautiful boys... Also the usual things, work, TV, parkrun, etc, and links to my fun projects.