PaulyGigography1997 ≫ The Wedding Present

ULU Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY

I remember meeting a virtual-friend from the uk-indie mailing list at this show. This sort of thing was in its infancy then. I must have been living at Nicholson Street and would have walked home from this gig.

The record label website says they were in Portsmouth the day before: has it that it was mostly the new album, makes sense. Set list approximately:

I went to this one, more from this year in my gig history for 1997. I have seen Wedding Present at least five times; Gosport Festival 94 @ Walpole Park (Gosport) ('94), Phoenix 1995 @ Avon Park Raceway (1995), Reading Festival ('96), ULU (1997), and The Booking Hall ('17), though I still have some bragging tagging to do so this may go up. Part of a list of every gig I went to from 1987 to 2024. A natural step from my Best Gigs Ever blog post. Yeah I know it's a bit geeky, let's let that go though, I'm having fun remembering these things.

Fri Jan 17 1997

Other gigs at ULU I attended are The Vines (2002), Stephen Malkmus (2001), My Vitriol ('01), And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead (2000), Hefner (2000), Drugstore ('00), The Longpigs (1996), UKCAC 91 (1990), and UKCAC 89 (1989).

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