PaulyGigography2018 ≫ Richard Herring Leicester Square Theatre Podcast

Leicester Square Theatre 6 Leicester Place, London, WC2H 7BP

RHLSTP! A christmas present, guests so far are John Robins and Elis James, with one more to be announced...

You can listen to the show here1. I have listened to Elis and John's podcast EVERY DAY since I went to this show and I have hardly been back to Richard Herring's podcast since.

💬 Awesome non-weekend weekend in London

I went to this one, more from this year in my gig history for 2018. I have seen Richard Herring probably five times; Fist Of Fun @ University of Portsmouth (1995), Quarterhouse (2010), Richard Herring, Christ on a Bike: The Second Coming @ Leicester Square Theatre ('11), Richard Herring - Happy Now? @ Leicester Square Theatre (2016), + Richard Herring Leicester Square Theatre Podcast @ Leicester Square Theatre ('18), though I still have much bragging tagging to do so this may well go up. Part of every gig I was at from '87 to 2024. An obvious step from my Best Gigs Ever weblog post. Yeah I know it's very nerdy, let's let that go though, I'm enjoying reminiscing about these things.

Mon Feb 12 2018

Other gigs at Leicester Square Theatre I went to are Henning Wehn ('18), Richard Herring - Happy Now? (2016), Stewart Lee ('14), Stewart Lee - Carpet Remnant World (2012), Richard Herring, Christ on a Bike: The Second Coming (2011), + Stewart Lee - Vegetable Stew ('10).

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