PaulyGigography2012 ≫ Olympic opening ceremony gig

Hyde Park London

Duran Duran, Snow Patrol, Stereophonics, Paolo Nuttini, a band from each country of the union, see? We were at this, it was our birthday, my 40th.

I went to this one, more from this year in my gigography for 2012. I saw Duran Duran probably 2 times; Forum ('03), + Olympic opening ceremony gig @ Hyde Park ('12), though I still have some bragging tagging to do so this may go up. Part of every gig I went to from 1987 to 2024. It's an obvious step from my Best gigs of all time weblog post. Yeah I know it's a bit nerdy, let's let that go though, I'm having fun reminiscing about this stuff.

Fri Jul 27 2012

Other gigs at Hyde Park I have been to are Pulp ('11).

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