PaulyGigography1991 ≫ Neds Atomic Dustbin

Reading university students' union Reading

Reading University Student Union.

Saw them in Portsmouth this year too, but this was the first time I saw them I think. I went with Stu again from Nixdorf. We were doing gig swaps, he liked the NME bands more than I did. He bought a t-shirt but it got stolen from the changing room.

I have a vague memory the t-shirt from the tour had a glow in the dark design on the back. Everyone was wearing the t-shirt and straining over their own shoulder to see what it looked like. Instead of looking at someone elses t-shirt. Everyone was wearing the t-shirt.

Neds Atomic Dustbin tour dates ad from Sounds of 1991

I attended this one, more from this year in my gigography for 1991. Part of all the gigs I went to from '87 to 2024. It's a natural step from my Best Gigs Ever blog post. Yeah I know very nerdy, let's let that go though, I'm having fun remembering these things.

Tue Mar 12 1991
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