Blog2024 ≫ Runuary day 13

As I was up early I should not have been in a rush, but because I wasted time writing that blog post I still was really. Got there before it had started, but I still started from the back. This meant lots of overtaking. Also my legs felt heavy to start with, with the cold. I picked up a bit and got my fastest time since July last year. If it wasn't for starting at the back I could have knocked twenty seconds off that probably.

Folkestone parkrun results for event #419. Your time was 00:24:17.

Congratulations on completing your 142nd parkrun and your 129th at Folkestone parkrun today. You finished in 76th place out of a field of 379 parkrunners. You were the 65th male and came 11th in your age category VM50-54. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Folkestone parkrun remains 00:20:50. Congratulations on your fastest time this year.

Not sure why this parkrun was my previous fastest, why did I have a spring in my step then? Surely just a coincidence I was not drinking that week again.

Clare at the hairdressers, we're going to pick her up in about half an hour, then we're all off to the Sandgate Hotel for a late lunch. Then back and out for Jim's birthday. He delayed this little get together until January because all the venues we might have gone to were booked up with office parties. Odd sort of affair, just extended step families attending, he has not invited any of his own friends. I'm missing Gladiators on TV for this!

One of the new Gladiators lives locally apparently.


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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.