Blog2012 ≫ Rev. Robert Clarke Family Bible emailed me this, can you help?

I have come upon a 1629 Bible (NT actually, with a Book of Common Prayer) that has a bookplate with the name "Rev. Robert Clarke, A.M." The bookplate looks to be late 19th C and is apparently a family crest.

The shield has crosses, dots/balls, and swans, with a large swan sitting atop the crest. The swan is standing on a tree limb with a large ball under one foot. A leaning tree is behind the crest. There is a cathedral in the far background, on an island. The Bible is bound in leather, with a swan, like the one atop the crest, on the lower spine. Any ideas as to who this Robert Clarke is?


Bruce Martin

⬅️ :: ➡️

Clarke tree, + connecting branches and roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic and beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, so many others, see the whole list. If you have a link into our family tree, or would like to put out a request for genealogy assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... This site is also home to my blog, with links to all the things I like. All about me, my wife + our beautiful boys... Also the usual things, work, Television, parkrun, ect ect, + links to my fun projects.