Clarke family tree

Clarke family tree is mostly our Clarke genealogy site, set up to host the tree info dug up by my Dad, Barry Leslie Clarke, and turned into web pages by me, Paul Clarke.

Click on any of the names on this page to get climbing the family tree from that point, or see the surnames, or the tree forum (that is not really a forum any more, sorry).

There is a page for each person in our tree with links to their parents, children, + siblings, + some other stats. Plus it's all formatted up with microformats. I wrote it a while ago in php so have redone it in javascript now. This is also now a static site, split over several repo's, how exciting.

Still hoping to add more branches to our family tree! If you'd like to traverse our tree you can pick a person (say me or Charles Valentine Clarke or The Famous Harry Clarke and then follow the links up + down the tree.

Maybe start with Dad below πŸ‘‡

We made some progress on John Samways, Matilda Grant, Samuel Rainey, James Lyman so we now have a complete set of great-great-grandparents for Dad! Still more information to be had from the census and BMD records, we're adding new family very very occasionally. It's really exciting when you find new family, but then it's a struggle again when you feel you have exhausted all the family tree information you can find. We used up our free allowance on myheritage and have decided it's not worth paying them any more. New family will definitely appear on this site if we find any.

No royalty or surprise family fortunes yet, so we have tracked down some distant cousins we knew nothing about, and found we had relatives on the Titanic.

Looking for Stoke Newington or Folkestone info here? Man alive you've been coming here a long time! Best off heading to the weblog... See latest posts in the sidebar over there.

BORN 1 JUN 1947 3 Nettlecombe Ave, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hants (51 Drayton Rd North End, Portsmouth, Hants)

FATHER Ronald Leslie CLARKE 1911 - 1982

MOTHER Gertrude RAINEY 1921 - 1997



We have 76 ancestors for Barry, 68 for his father Ronald, 6 for his mother Gertrude. We can go back 15 generations to Edward Chrysnes - during the reign of Henry VIII. We have 6 descendents for Barry. We have 783 people in this tree with 100 different surnames, including 50 called CLARKE. CLARKE is the 2nd most common name in our tree.

Barry is father to Paul Leslie CLARKE

Clarke family tree, and connecting branches and roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic and beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, so many others, see the whole list. If you have a connection to our tree, or would like to put out a request for tree stuff assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... This site is also home to my personal site, with links to all the things I like. ItΚΌs all about me, my lovely wife + our amazing boys... Also the usual things, work, Television, parkrun, etc, + links to my other projects.