Michael Patrick O'BRIEN | O'BRIEN family tree / genealogy

Michael Patrick O'BRIEN | O'BRIEN family tree / genealogy

BORN 4 JAN 1953

DIED 20 JAN 2013 Rowans Hospice

Michael Patrick O'BRIEN's will

FATHER Kenneth Joseph O'BRIEN 1926 - 2001





We have 47 ancestors for Michael, 4 for his father Kenneth, 41 for his mother [PRIVATE]. We can go back 14 generations to Thomas Winter - during the reign of Henry VIII. We have 4 descendents for Michael. We have 786 people in this family tree with 98 different surnames, including 5 called O'BRIEN.

Michael is uncle to Paul Leslie CLARKE

Clarke family tree, and connecting branches and roots, from hampshire | Hampshire, UK to titanic | the Titanic and beyond... So far we have links for the names CLARKE, CLARK, COLE, DONNELLY, DUNCANSON, GRANT, GREGORY, HALL, HARRIS, HAZZARD, HUCKLE, IRISH, LESTER, LYMAN, MORRIS, O'BRIEN, RAINEY, RHODES, SAMWAYS, SHERWOOD, SMITH, TEE, TILL, TRIBE, WEEKS, WILDY, WINDEBANK, and WINFIELD... If you think you might have a link into our family tree, or would like to put out a [url=/php/admin.php?mBoard=14]request for genealogy assistance[/url], please [url=/php/admin.php?mBoard=14]leave a message[/url] and I Paul Clarke will try to help...

Paul Clarke


Family tree


Chart of the week

  1. Something up with last.fm I think...


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