PaulyGigography2016 ≫ Chambers Easter Ales Festival

Chambers Basement Business Premises, 98 Sandgate Road, Folkestone, CT20 2BE

On all over easter, am I going to miss it yet again..?

#alefest1 @CAMRA_KBF2 @CAMRA_Official3 @RealAleLive4 @AFRMCAMRA5 @FolkestoneRT6 @folkstatus7 @fstoneherald8 @folkestone9 #ale10

[The Chambers](/wiki/#chambers) (@TheChambersBar) January 21, 201612

💬 We didn't do badly at the Chambers Easter Ale Festival quiz

I was at this one, more from this year in my gigography for 2016. Part of every gig I went to from '87 to 2024. It's an obvious step from my Best Gigs Ever weblog post. Yeah I know it's a bit nerdy, let's let that go though, I'm having fun reminiscing about this stuff.

Thu Mar 24 2016

Other gigs at Chambers I attended are Chambers bank holiday cider festival (2017), Boxing Day Quiz (2014), New Years Eve Party (2009), + Famous Chambers Quiz (2009).

Corner of Sandgate Road and Cheriton Place

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