PaulyGigography2015 ≫ Fun Day @ The Fountain

The Fountain 171 Seabrook Road, Hythe, Kent, CT21 5RT

A fete type thing with bouncy castle, pool and darts competition, barbecue, coconut shy, stocks, open mic, all sorts. All day! All proceeds going to Shepway Choirs, whoever they might be.

💬 It's never nice when Hampshire is in the news

I went to this one, more from this year in my gig history for 2015. Part of every gig I went to from 1987 to 2024. An obvious progression from my Best Gigs Ever blog post. Yeah I know a bit geeky, let's let that go though, I'm enjoying remembering these things.

Sat Jul 25 2015

Other gigs at The Fountain I was at are Ciderfest 2016 (2016), and The Fountain Cider Festival ('15).

Where Horn Street meets Seabrook Road, also at the bottom of Hospital Hill.

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