PaulyGigography2010 ≫ Suede

Royal Albert Hall Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AP

Teenage Cancer Trust1 gig. The long awaited Suede Reunion, without Bernard Butler though unfortunately.

💬 Our Suede tickets are on the way

💬 Might have a spare Suede ticket for tomorrow night

💬 I went out two nights in a row!

💬 The Living Dead / Brett Anderson / Suede / Royal Albert Hall / Teenager Cancer Trust gig

I was at this one, more from this year in Paul's gig history for 2010. Part of every gig I went to from '87 to 2024. It's an obvious step from my Best Gigs Ever blog post. Yeah I know very nerdy, let's let that go though, I'm enjoying reminiscing about this stuff.

Wed Mar 24 2010

Other gigs at Royal Albert Hall I attended are Morrissey (2002).

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