PaulyGigography2006 ≫ Comedy club

Lanterns 24 Rendezvous Street, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1EY


💬 Lone Star Comedy

💬 Lone Star Comedy mini review

I went to this one, more from this year in my gigography for 2006. Part of every gig I went to from '87 to 2024. It's an obvious step from my Best gigs of all time blog post. Yeah I know very geeky, let's let that go though, I'm having fun reminiscing about this stuff.

Sat Jan 21 2006

Other gigs at Lanterns I attended are Richard Herring ('05).

Upstairs from Mustangs and Folkestone Snooker Club in the centre of town... Might have to ring the buzzer to get in, like it's some kind of speakeasy...

⬅️ :: ➡️