PaulyGigography1992 ≫ Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction

University of Portsmouth University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Southsea, PO1 2DH

Past their prime (mover), who exactly were the Love Reaction at this stage? Still a treat though, even if enjoying it slightly ironically by this stage. One of them was called Susan I think and he was younger than the others.

I went to this one, more from this year in my gigography for 1992. I have seen Zodiac Mindwarp probably 2 times; Zodiac Mindwarp and Terrorvision @ venue -1 ('92), + Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction @ University of Portsmouth ('92), though I still have some bragging tagging to do so this may go up. Part of every gig I went to from '87 to 2024. It's a natural step from my Best Gigs Ever weblog post. Yeah I know very geeky, let's let that go though, I'm having fun reminiscing about these things.

Sat May 16 1992

Other gigs at University of Portsmouth I was at are Strangelove (1996), Annie Hates Cordial (1996), Gorky's Zygotic Mynci ('95), Scarfo ('95), Fist Of Fun (1995), Modern World with My Life Story + Smaller (1995), Atom Seed ('91), + Tad ('90).

Other gigs at University of Portsmouth include EMF ('91).

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