Blog2024 ≫ First go at scraping old Runuary data

Yeah definitely getting slower... maybe slightly fitter than last year but nothing compared to 2020! Did I not do runuary in 2019 then? Got to do some more digging...

This are my average times per kilometre on these dates in these years:

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
01/01 5'54 4'20 4'52 5'09 6'15 5'43
02/01 15'49 4'47 5'11 5'03 5'27
03/01 5'13 5'42 4'42 5'17 5'40 5'48
04/01 4'24 4'53 5'17 5'08 5'11
05/01 4'56 10'53 4'39 5'08 5'34 5'11
06/01 20'05 4'36 5'55 5'04 4'57
07/01 9'01 4'40 5'45 5'09 5'28
08/01 10'13 4'46 4'41 4'46 6'03 5'21
09/01 4'56 4'48 5'39 5'29 5'35
10/01 4'49 4'34 5'42 5'52 5'16
11/01 4'19 4'42 5'44 5'25 5'05
12/01 5'18 6'51 4'44 5'37 5'52 5'23
13/01 5'22 4'36 5'25 5'36 4'47
14/01 4'51 4'45 5'35 5'05 5'03
15/01 32'37 4'41 4'35 5'37 4'59
16/01 4'39 4'52 5'28 5'35 5'18
17/01 4'56 4'44 4'37 5'42 5'49 5'25
18/01 4'14 5'37 5'37 5'15 5'23
19/01 4'59 4'35 4'49 5'36 5'08
20/01 10'54 5'57 4'57 5'09 5'03
21/01 9'20 5'19 4'53 5'33 5'13
22/01 4'55 4'25 4'46 5'04
23/01 4'57 4'35 5'41 5'37
24/01 5'24 5'28 5'31 4'56
25/01 4'08 4'56 5'30 5'25
26/01 5'17 4'53 4'42 5'33 5'25
27/01 12'47 4'45 5'20 5'46 5'00
28/01 12'18 5'16 5'16 5'43 4'41
29/01 16'11 5'04 4'46 4'33 5'23
30/01 7'30 4'47 4'58 5'14 4'56
31/01 7'02 4'50 4'57 5'42 5'02

runuary: Running at least 5k every day for all of January.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town. Wed + father to two, I am a full-stack web developr, and I do mostly js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.