Blog2024 ≫ Runuary day 11

A day of commuting into London on Thursday. It's a busy train these days, was very cold at the station. I had a result with the charity book pile there though, saw one book that I nearly bought before Christmas The Mysterious Case Of The Alperton Angels1. I have enjoyed the two previous books by this author. They're a bit deconstructed, not in the form of a novel, but a collection of texts and emails and things. I started this right away (well when I got home) and I like it but he schtick might be wearing thin now though. I also picked up a "vintage crime" novel there too, these are reprints probably from the 1930s. I'd read a few by authors I'd not heard of before, not big names, and they've been enjoyable. So, pleased to find a new looking copy of this there, available for a donation. I still had coins in my pocket left from holiday.

Got a seat on the train, after someone moved their bag... It was standing room only by the time we got going.

Work was fine, quite a busy day trying to do some processing of logs, some analytics. Finding out the route customers took through our systems, from mobile app to email to website to back end systems. Tricky stuff, not really my area, but no-one else is doing it.

Ran at lunchtime (finally we're on to the runuary bit), down over Blackfriars Bridge, along Stamford Street (where I used to work, and near where Ro was working this day), back up over Waterloo Bridge. This is where I made my big mistake. I stopped to take a selfie on the middle of Waterloo Bridge before carrying on, running back via Fleet Street. Nearly back and I thought "why didn't it beep for 4km?" and realised my watch was paused since the selfie... So I ran back nearly to Waterloo Bridge again before turning around and continuing over that bit again, just to make sure the full 5km counted.

Got a sandwich at M&S at the end of Fleet Street when I was done, and was very confused when I came out of the shop again. Could not figure out where I was or which way to go. Very odd. Had to use the map to figure out which direction back to work. Dementia?

Keep thinking I should add more maps on here, could I make my own map of only the things I'm interested in? Basic landmarks like coast and main road and then the things I actually talk about, like the pub, and where I run? An SVG map maybe using some open data but drawn in my own style? Will keep thinking about it. Oh one more coding job I'm thinking of is mashing up my listening stats with my running stats. I definitely run faster when Metallica come on.

Showered at work, they even provide clean towels, it's like being at a spa. Productive afternoon, then I ran for the train home and got back quite early. Went in Tesco and got some vegan ravioli for my tea.

Watched the first half of the new "Murder Is Easy", Agatha Christie adaptation on TV. Then relatively early night with a herbal tea. Dryanuary.

5k: Five km, just over three miles to you.

dryanuary: Not drinking for the month of January.

runuary: Running at least 5k every day for all of January.

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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed and father to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do mostly js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + time travel.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.