Blog2023 ≫ No parkrun volunteer credit for me this week

I was present and eager to volunteer again this week, but I was not needed. It's all those Duke Of Edinburgh volunteers taking all the slots. T1 volunteered again, he had to write the run report1 this week. As he was going out for the day he just made some brief notes on his phone and I turned it into a short report. I could have done with a bit more content to work with to be honest, but we didn't find out he was down to do this job today until we got there. At least they autogenerate the stats part for us so that's something to build on.

Folkestone parkrun results for event #381. Your time was 00:23:59.

Congratulations on completing your 119th parkrun and your 107th at Folkestone parkrun today. You finished in 57th place and were the 43rd Male out of a field of 331 parkrunners and you came 10th in your age category VM50-54. Take a look at this week's full set of results on our website. Your PB at Folkestone parkrun remains 00:20:50. Your best time this year remains 00:23:24.

This week 331 people ran, jogged and walked the course, of whom 30 were first timers and 42 recorded new Personal Bests. Representatives of 32 different clubs took part.

Under twenty-four minutes, so that's OK. The weather was good too, we were forecast rain for exactly the start of the run but it did not appear.

I went to the Potting Shed for a few early pints yesterday and had a great time. Very friendly crowd in there. I got in early because I'd had the day offfor the funeral. There was a nice service, lots of people there and a lovely "memories of my mum" thing by Emma's brother. After we went to Etchinghill Golf Club, and as we drove the country lanes to it we passed by another pub that I've heard of but never seen - The Cat And Custard Pot. Now I want to go there, it looks good, but apparently keeps irregular hours.

A mostly free day today now, though I do have to take T2 and some friends to a party at Flip Out in Ashford. Apparently the motorway is partly closed too. Luckily then the friends parents are bringing him back later. I think I will do some more jetwashing with my free time, then we're going out for dinner tonight.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + father to two, I'm a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.