Blog2022 ≫ Fake run

Nice morning, and I can't go out this afternoon because of Clare's work so I went for a run this morning. 10km round Hythe and back. Some sort of GPS error, though in my favour. It got my route wrong for the first bit so I think it counted me as running further and / or further than I really did. I did a good distance, to West Hythe, and at quite a good lick, but it's maybe added on 750m so makes me look fast. I think I would have been fast even without that. Not sure wether to strike this run from the record or not. I think I should but I will wait until I have done another 10km run this month.

Hopefully going out running with the boys this afternoon, just a timed 1km for them, make a note of it and see how we get on next week.

Busy week lined up, various school activities, and then some prep for me going to Prague too.

Ooh I just fixed the styling of the homepage and all the family tree stuff that has been broken for a while. Well looks like I've fixed the text styling where some of it was overlaying the rest and the fonts were too small, but there's still a little to do on that family tree.

10k: Ten km, just over six miles to you. Sometimes talking about 10,000 steps though, an arbitrary daily step count target.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full stack web developr, + I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home-automation and other diy stuff, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.