Blog2021 ≫ Runuary day 2

Out for a run again this morning. Slightly further than yesterday - 6km instead of 5km - and slightly faster with a pace of 4'48/km compared to 4'52km. Yesterday I was running with the slightest of hangovers, and today I was not. However if I keep up this progress, I'll be, uh, running fast and far by the end of the month. Wait I can work this out:

Day km pace
1 5 4'52
2 6 4'48
3 7 4'44
4 8 4'40
5 9 4'36
6 10 4'32
7 11 4'28
8 12 4'24
9 13 4'20
10 14 4'16
11 15 4'12
12 16 4'08
13 17 4'04
14 18 4'00
15 19 3'56
16 20 3'52
17 21 3'48
18 22 3'44
19 23 3'40
20 24 3'36
21 25 3'32
22 26 3'28
23 27 3'24
24 28 3'20
25 29 3'16
26 30 3'12
27 31 3'08
28 32 3'04
29 33 3'00
30 34 2'56
31 35 2'52

So by the 31st of January I'd be running 35km at a pace of 2'52 - that's nearly a marathon, at faster than the world record marathon pace. It's sounding difficult to maintain this progress to be honest.

Just went to Homebase to get some duct tape so we can bundle all our christmas decorations and tree and things back into the loft. The Beetle cut out on the way there strangely, just lost power... I tapped the accelerator a few times and the problem became clear, the accelerator had fallen off. "Luckily" this happened once before years ago and so I new the accelerator is really just a lever on top of the rod that really controls it, and I could operate just that. A bit trickier but doable and I could keep going on to Homebase and back again. Looks like just a little screw worked its way loose, so fixing that this afternoon. First lunch, potato and sprout sandwiches, lovely. Then we're going to play Pokemon Go outside for a bit, then back to fix the car, and then to do some cooking.

I've got some George Egg potatoes in the slow cooker:

I'm also going to make some bolognaise sauce and a shepherds pie.

Country cases deaths
USA 20451302 354316
Brazil 7675973 194976
India 10286329 149018
Mexico 1413935 124897
Italy 2107165 74159
UK 2488780 73512
France 2620425 64632
Russia 3159297 57019
Iran 1225143 55223
Spain 1936718 50837

Coronavirus weekly death graph for USA + Brazil + India + Mexico + Italy + UK

popex graph Graph line from 4417.0 to 21278.0🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Graph line from 2195.0 to 7770.0🇧🇷 🇧🇷 Graph line from 1318.0 to 8514.0🇮🇳 🇮🇳 Graph line from 1770.0 to 5131.0🇲🇽 🇲🇽 Graph line from 39.0 to 5897.0🇮🇹 🇮🇹 Graph line from -3671.0 to 7959.0🇬🇧 🇬🇧 -3571 deaths? 🇬🇧 readjusted figures here! Y axis of graph 0 - 5000 - 10000 - 15000 - 20000 - X axis of graph May '20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug '20 Sep '20 Oct '20 Nov '20 Dec '20 Jan '21

5k: Five km, just over three miles to you.

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Wed to Clare and dad to 2, I'm a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.