Blog2019 ≫ Boys weekend

Clare has headed off to Ireland for her cousin's wedding. She's accompanying her Dad, we would not normally have been invited to this I think. So boys weekend! Bad food and too much TV for the next three days!

Actually there is a lot to do and a lot of disruption. I'd normally be working from home today, though I've taken them to school and then headed in to try and pick up some more of the Sainsbury trading cards from someone. Then heading home mid afternoon to do a late lunch double pickup, as one has swimming with the school and one does not. Then tea, no idea what they'll today, then back to swimming with the other one, though of course both have to come with me. Tomorrow I'll work from home too, though normal pickups at the same time, so I do get a normal lunch. Then one of them has to miss gymnastics, as Jim normally does the early one, then we all have to go to later gymnastics when I finish work. No Inn Doors today, it's still closed for holidays, but no replacement pub action anyway.

Saturday also disrupted, no parkrun for me though we will all go out for some fun somewhere. The boys are both registered for parkrun now so we will try and get them on the next one.

I do have my new Sonos soundbar1 installed, and all the old surround system removed. Clare has not quite noticed it is different yet, though she will next time she tries to play a DVD... I have managed to remove a load of boxes and cabling from the lounge, but it was mostly hidden away anyway. Thoughts on it so far:

Not sure how I'm going to even get my steps in today, definitely no time for a run. I think I will have to go on the treadmill much later. I still can't let this step count go.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town. Wed + father to two, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.