Blog2019 ≫ Last day of the summer holiday

Last day of a full week off for me, same for Clare. For the boys tomorrow is back to school after a very long break. We're having a relaxing day of it though mostly. Boys have done some last minute trying on of school clothes, I've been to the tip, and Clare has been to pump class. We're all going to watch Raiders Of The Lost Ark1 later, inspired by how much they enjoyed the Dora movie the other day.

Spoke to some other parents who said their kids were longing to go back, starting to get bored at the end of the holiday. Not mine they're happy watching the same things on TV again and again and reading the same books...

Can I manage a 10k before then? And if I do can I time it to end at the Inn Doors, where I suspect friends will be drinking this afternoon? Being a good dad I should spend this time with the kids instead. Shouldn't I? Kids, want to come to the pub this afternoon?

I spotted earlier the Inn Doors are on the twitter2. Seems like they are lucky to get a short name like that ahem3 but the account has been running much longer than the pub. There was one post in 20094 then they announced the opening here5.

10k: Ten kilometres, just over six miles to you. Sometimes talking about 10,000 steps though, an arbitrary daily step count target.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe near Folkestone. Wed + dad to two, I'm a full stack web developr, + I do mostly javascript / nodejs, some ruby, other languages etc. I like pubbing, parkrun, restaurants, home automation and other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and time travel.