Blog2019 ≫ Birthday weekender: the journey home

⬆️Saturday birthday, lawks 47

Monday I had the day off, free day off from work for my birthday. We decided on a relaxed journey back, had a lazy breakfast and then I took a walk into Portchester to go to the bank. Sat and had a coffee, more relaxing and discussed plans to potentially extend our kitchen. Sounds like a big job and will it take too much of the garden? The boys are not keen but Mum thinks we could extend just enough to give us some elbow room without losing much garden. I heard at the commuter night out recently that one of the neighbours has extended their own garden, pushing their fence back into the undergrowth between us and the main road so maybe that is an option. If I took some of the back fence out I could push the shed back there at least, and I don't think anyone would even notice. One to ponder anyway...

Managed to avoid talking about Boris Johnson all weekend which was nice. Mum tried to bring him into the conversation once but I think we managed OK.

Had a fairly good drive back but had planned to stop at Cobham and the boys were looking forward to a Nandos. We had a relaxed lunch there, was slow service really. Good lunch, I was wary of the boys have the soft drink refills thinking they would need more loo breaks on the way home but it was fine (I did not have a drink at all).

Saw someone having some sort of seizure at the services as we were coming out, but there was quite a crowd around them, don't think we could have added anything to the situation.

Got home about half four, an hour before Clare and an hour before out Sainsbury's delivery, so I had time to unpack and make the dinner.

Fairly boring as a day off goes now I come to think of it. I should have stuck with my original extravagant plan and had the Tuesday off too then I could have gone to that chilli shop in Hilsea too.


⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in the far South. Wed to Clare and dad to two, I'm a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.