Blog2019 ≫ Pay day

Not just any pay day, profit share pay day, so I am well and truly back in the black. Was feeling generous enough last night to buy the new Mario Maker 21 game that the boys have been after, so tried to buy it online on the Nintendo Switch store last night. It's ten quid more there than in shops, cheeky! I couldn't do it, they had it in stock at Argos in Hythe, and as it's in the Sainsbury's it's open until ten. So after tea I cycled there and got it for them. Too late for them to play but it is held back as a bribe for doing all the jobs and revision and things today.

Going to buy some premium bonds too, though it is ages since I had a win.

I need a haircut and a new phone, I will definitely get one of these.

Clare and the boys had a bit of a rubbish afternoon picking Grandpa up from the airport yesterday, slow on the roads and then delays on the baggage carousel means they were there longer than expected. Clare went for a run when she got it so I went on the treadmill, meaning I could chat to the boys about lego at the same time. I think this gets my treadmill usage down to exactly five pounds per use for me. Clare is not using it at all she finds it too boring to run on, but I hope it'll come into its own again in the winter. If not I may sell it in January.

I do need to have a bit of a clear out of the study still. See it has been on my todo list over there 👉 forever, though that was originally about clearing out the giant stack of NMEs. They're long gone but now I have bikes, car parts, and spare furniture in there that I need to rearrange. I'm removing the Status Candle idea from the list too, gone off that idea. Consider that todo todone.


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in A small town. Married to Clare + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.