Blog2017 ≫ Lego store is ace

We didnt' tell the boys far in advance that we were going to the new Lego shop in Leicester Square, kept telling them we were doing the imaginary hammer museum until we were actually on the bus. They were nearly as excited as I was.

Mum and Dad had got their earlier before the queues and had gone straight in. There was free lego for early visitors and so they snagged a couple of sets. Tip: go there early! By the time we got there there was a little queueing, and some drizzle, but we were in pretty quickly. There are some great displays in the shop, the big ones that we'd already seen on TV - the full sized tube train with Shakespeare on it and the six metre tall Elizabeth Clock Tower - but also some cool small models. Some made up kits so you can see what they're like, including the Beetle and the VW Camper but also some special builds by clubs, not of official kits. Obviously they have all the lego for sale that you can think of, seemingly every currently available lego set you can get, and there are interactive parts too. The boys enjoyed designing their own mini-figure and playing on the building tables, I liked the augmented reality screen you can take your new box of lego up to and see it come to life.

We bought a couple of kits, a Ninjago prison break out1 and the Lego Juniors demolition set2. The price of everything looked good to me, seems we paid less than a pound more than the online price, which is fine for the excitement for them of choosing a set off the shelf and taking it home. Nanny spoiled them with some stuff too, and then we got some more free bits at the till, including Lego Disco Batman and Lego Tears of Batman. Good grief just seen the prices they're being offered at on ebay surely not? The boys tore these open right away...

Well worth a visit, wether you have kids or not.

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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Married to Clare and dad to two, I am a full stack web developr, and I do js / nodejs, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.