Blog ≫ 2015 ≫ Sounds like Dad has some more info to share on the Raineys and the Lymans

This is good, still looking for JW Rainey and his parents, and also my Lyman ancestors. Sounds like Dad has some old research that he just has not computerised yet, some info from the census that he gathered and printed back when access was free. So when he gets back online we'll incorporate that into our records here and on myheritage.com1...

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Clarke tree, + connecting branches + roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic and beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, but many others, see the whole list. If you have a connection to our family tree, or would like to put out a request for genealogy assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... The site is also home to my weblog, with links to all the things I like. All about me, my wife + our beautiful boys... Also the usual things, work, Television, parkrun, ect ect, + links to my other projects.