Blog2011 ≫ The Last Working Day Of The Month, Issue 76

(MJ Hibbett & The Validators FACT, June 30th 2011)

Hello everyone - we've got gigs, videos, albums and all sorts to talk about this month, so let's get going shall we?


Thursday 7 July - Fox & Firkin, Lewisham Moon Horse Preview

Tuesday 12 July - The Green Dragon, Croydon Another Moon Horse preview

Thursday 14 July - The King & Queen, London Totally Acoustic Summer Special, with David Barnett and A Fine Day For Sailing.

Tuesday 26 July - The Old Coffee House, London West End preview for Moon Horse, with support from Jim'll's Brain

Friday 29 July - The Bedford, Balham Final preview show - we're on at 6.45pm (prompt!) in The Ballroom

And then we're off to Edinburgh! Check for more information.


Previews are going well so far and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is LOOMING very much on the horizon! We're at the Buffs Club 5-6pm every day as part of PBH's Free Fringe from August 6-20. Do come along if you're up there, we'll REALLY appreciated it, and it's FREE!

If you need some persuading first you can watch the TRAILER (with narration once again by Johnny Yeah) on the front page of and you can also watch a couple of CLIPS at . There'll be BADGES too, and did I mention it's FREE?


We've got a super sun-drenched Summer Special edition of Totally Acousic occuring on July 14th at The King & Queen, with David Barnett and A Fine Day For Sailing - I fancied a change from The Lamb, so we're trying out as a new venue in the hopes of a new run of shows in the Autumn. We're also doing two Totally Acousics at the Edinburgh Fringe, on the 10th and 17th August. These are also at The Buffs Club, just after Moon Horse at 6.15pm, and will feature a HOST of pals old and new who are in the vicinity.


Meanwhile the most exciting news of THIS month is that Mr John Allison has supplied ALL the artwork for the album and it is FRANKLY AMAZING. You can see a tiny tiny preview of it HERE:

Final overdubs have been done now (as you can see HERE: ) and by the end of this month we should have all the songs and all the dialogue mixed together, so we can listen to it all over Augist and then make any final final FINAL changes in September. I've also finished off the multimedia aspects - there'll be a chord book AND a full script this time - we're just getting to grips with the booklet. The plan is to get it manufactured in time for GIGS in November and release it properly in January - I know this has all taken a LONG time, but when you see it, and hear it, you will understand why!


I've recorded a song called '2000AD Nans' for a forthcoming Keep Pop Loud compilation. It's LOVELY!

The excellent 'My Band T-Shirt' blog has an article by ME on it this week, all about 'Hey Hey 16K' t-shirts - you can see it HERE:

And that's about enough for this month - thanks for listening, and see you next time!



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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.