Blog2008 ≫ James Moore Clarke

Got an email from someone in the USA trying to trace Clarke ancestors from the UK. I don't think we have any Clarkes in the USA, and said that by email, but thought I'd republish some info here in case anyone else can help. Jim Clarke1 says:

It is possible that the James Moore Clarke (b.1852) a carpenter who emigrated from England was from Hampshire,UK. When he went back home for a visit and "disappeared" (1888 or later) he may have resettled there as it was known he wasn't very happy here.

The fact that he was from Hampshire doesn't appear on Jim's page1 for some reason, but some more background does:

James Moore Clarke(1852) who emigrated here from England, he was a carpenter. He married Louisa Miller(Oct,1861). Louisa was born here and they were married here. They had a son named John (Dec,1879)& lived on Harrison Street in Brooklyn. They then had four more children. Their names are as follows: My Great Grandfather Frank Clarke(Aug,1888), Eva Clarke(Nov,1883), Annie Clarke(May,1885) & Lucy Clarke(Birthdate not known).

[CLARKE FAMILY](/wiki/#clarke/family) PAGE Any information is helpful.

Maybe someone will stumble across this page in years to come and have an answer!

Aha, I've posted this before!

⬅️ :: ➡️

Clarke family tree, and connecting branches and roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic and beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, so many others, see the whole list. If you have a link into our family tree, or would like to put out a request for tree stuff assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... The site is also home to my weblog, with links to all the things I like. It's all about me, my wife + our beautiful boys... Also the usual things, work, TV, parkrun, ect ect, + links to my fun projects.