Blog2007 ≫ Frank Skinner last night

Quite a good gig last night, Frank was funny and rude, and likeable because of his self depracating ways. He did two sets, with an interval, and then came back to do a little song on his banjo too. He's on tour for another two months, so see him if you can.

I always forget what a bad venue the Leas Cliff Hall is, I guess most venues that were built for more sedate times are the same. The rush for the bar at half time was ridiculous, service was so slow we didn't get a drink at all. Every event I go to there's a similar crush at the bar, surely if this was sorted the venue would make more profit? I suggest selling cans of drink that can be dispensed more quickly, turning over more customers in the same amount of time, and Clare suggests lining up a few pints just before the interval so they can be handed out quicker. It's not like there's a lot of choice at the bar, so they can guess what people are going to order.

Also, more drink related annoyance, we got a drink on the way in, and then found out we weren't allowed to take it from the bar to our seats, so had to leave them, that's six whole pounds we won't see again. This rule had been relaxed seemingly by the interval, so for the second half everyone was refreshed except us, bah. This is just about enough to stop me going to a show there again, I'd rather see someone smaller at a proper comedy club like upstairs at Lanterns.

We went to Chambers for the first time in ages, it was very good, Club Buff were djing, proper indie, and it was comfortable and smashing and the beer was good too.

Today I have a night in, alone, hence posting here at this time. Clare has gone to Canterbury with Jenny the sister-in-law on a girls afternoon of shopping with food and drink to follow. I've already had a text updated from my favourite pub^My favourite pub at the time, why was it not something more local..?, but at least she's not gone to [Wagamama without me. We're back in Canterbury tomorrow, on a shopping and lunch mission, probably Pizza Express this time though.

Been programming this afternoon, some work for, there is a redesign in the offing and I'm transferring some of the dynamic pages ideas from here to there. See how if you hit some random phrase on this site, you get sent to /some+random+phrase 1? That redirects to a script, passing in "some random phrase" and builds a page made up of content found in the database of old posts that matches "some random phrase". Popbitch could do with something like that, but they do have a problem that there might be some libellous content among their archive of 500,000 old posts (and that gets purged frequently too) so I've always been a bit reticent about opening it up. Hopefully I'll come up with a system that'll work. One day that site will sell for a billion and then I'll be able to cash in. This time next year Rodney 2]...

Hmm, guessing I didn't win the 88,000,000 euro millions super rollover then:

The special draw took place on Friday 28th September with no winners in the top prize category. The jackpot duly rolled down and was shared by 14 players in the 5+1 category. Each player won 6,989,367...

If one of them was you, will you buy me a house in Canterbury please?

  1. You used to but not any more this is well out of date now... Since I moved to a static site there is no dynamic content on the server it is done by generating a flat index file for each keyword. You actually get sent to /wiki/#some/random/phrase now but only if I've got enough content for thar phrase. I've been cleaning up so some of the old search links are gone.
  2. Reviewing this message FIFTEEN YEARS LATER and still waiting for popbitch to pay out anything...

💬 Frank Skinner

⬅️ :: ➡️

Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married to Clare and dad to two, I am a full stack web developr, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home-automation + other diy stuff, history, family tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.