Blog ≫ 2006 ≫ William of Orange family tree

⬆️RE: Windibank family tree - 4630

Not sure if / how any of those Windebank's mentioned fit in here, but just as an aside here's William of Orange's family tree.

Our connection with that name is where Caroline Clarke married John Windebank, in the 1800s... we also have Harriet Ann Cole marrying Stephen Windebank, though we have gaps in this area though.

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Clarke tree, and connecting branches + roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic and beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, but many others, see the whole list. If you have a link to our family tree, or would like to put out a request for genealogy assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... The site is also home to my weblog, with links to all the things I like. It's all about me, my wife + our amazing boys... Also the usual things, work, TV, parkrun, ect ect, + links to my other projects.