FG ≫ 2004 ≫ Chambers Beer Festival

⬆️Chambers Beer Festival

The Chambers "Easter Ales" Beer Festival was a raging success, from the first day to the last. It seems to have taken everyone concerned slightly by surprise, but according to the landlord it will be "at least" an annual event, so here's to the next one...

We started "gently", quite late on the Thursday evening with a selection of ciders, and we filled out the helpful and fun "tasting notes" questionnaire that was provided. Starting with the Moles' Black Rat (6% ABV), we apparently thought it was "yummy". Thatchers' Cheddar Valley (6%) scored a "not as good", Weston's Old Rosie (7.3%) "ooh, bit strong", then the notes become unreadable by the time we had the Biddenden's Extra Dry (8%). This was just the first day. We perhaps struggled slightly because we got there too late to get any food. The place was exceedingly busy from the off, and by the time we found seats the chef had retired for the evening. I recall there was some kind of swing jazz combo playing at some point, and it was quite nice.

The following days saw us work through most of the rest of the menu of beers (highlights being Old Thumper and Dragonhead Stout, also with a musical accompaniment. Friday night saw slightyly trippy blues rock from Sicknote Blues, by the time they had finally got going and the beer had started slipping down, they were alright, though some of my fellow tipplers found them very dull. Saturday night we were at Kapetan Michales (review to follow), and Sunday night saw an indie covers band (Loki I think) giving us the likes of Coldplay, Turin Brakes, Foo Fighters and more. Not wanting to see anything go to waste, and at the landlords recommendation, I ended the festival with a fierce snakebite of Biddenden's Dry and cherry Kriek, which was as sweet as it was strong, not recommended.

The next time there's an event on at Chambers, get there early, and camp out for the duration, you'll love it.

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