Blog2004 ≫ Charles and Ada Clarke

Wow, been sent these pictures1 by someone called Ben (not Tim, where did I get that from? following a request on Encyclopedia Titanica, this is Charles Valentine Clarke and his wife Ada Maria Clarke (nee Winfield)...

We heard on Encyclopedia Titanica that there were some pictures in the Daily Mirror and in a Sacramento newspaper, not sure if these are from either of those...

💬 RE: Charles and Ada Clarke - 922

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Clarke family tree, and connecting branches and roots, from Hampshire, UK to the Titanic + beyond. We have links for the name CLARKE obviously, but many others, see the whole list. If you have a link into our tree, or would like to put out a request for genealogy assistance, email pauly @ this domain I will try to help... This site is also home to my weblog, with links to all the things I like. All about me, my wife and our amazing boys... Also the usual things, work, Television, running, ect ect, + links to my other projects.