First we went to the Harbour Arm, which was way busy

First we went to the Harbour Arm, which was way busy

Heard tales all the outlets were running out of food and drink as it was busier than it had ever been. People everywhere, and we could also see from there that Sunny Sands was absolutely packed solid with people. The downside to a lovely day and all the visitors it attracts is the amount of litter they leave, a real shame.

We didn't eat or drink at the Harbour Arm this time, but with our new plan of Clare taking the car home, I ran back to get the car. I'd parked pretty much way out of town for the free parking anyway so I got some good exercise while they played in Payers Park. Then I drove back to meet them, swap, and I was FREE! For about an hour and a half!

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Thu May 10 2018

Paul Clarke


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