Blog ≫ 2024 ≫ Bought a light switch, sent it back

I bought this remote light switch with no wiring and no batteries1, how clever is that? In theory it talks to my system, but in practice in my house, no. It is a kinetic switch, powered entirely by the action of pressing the buttons down. It sends a remote control signal that can control the lights. It's not an actual switch, though it looks like one, but it's just what I wanted. I have a useless switch by the front door. It used to be a switch for the outside light, but that is a motion sensor and never wants to be turned off. So I wired that permanently on and put a remote control only LightwaveRF "scene" switch, that could turn the hall lights on and off AND have another button that could turn everything off as I go out the door AND still have spare buttons to do other things. Turn the heating on? Play my wrestling style intro music? What would that be? Anyway, can no longer find it online but this might be the modern equivalent of it1. Academic as I got rid of all the other lightwaverf stuff ages ago, the hub is disconnected, it can do nothing, it's just sat there. So I want a new thing to replace that and thought that kinetic switch could be it. But no.

Going to replace it with one of these1 and hope that connects directly to Home Assistant. It has batteries and uses Zigbee, it should do.

Moes smart remote controllight switch for home automation

I already have some of these wired switches1 and they're all working nicely. I'm moving back to all smart switches, away from smart bulbs. Smart bulbs are ok if you're in a rented place or too scared to replace a switch, but they're a pain because someone can break the whole system by using a switch as normal. Smart switches all the way!

Moes smart light switch for home automation

It was pay day yesterday, a day early, but I'm trying not to go spending crazy because we now have this holiday to pay for. I did sell some shares though at just the right time too, so am quids in this week. Fingers crossed I get a bonus from work before the final holiday bill comes in...


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Paul Clarke's blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Wed to Clare + dad to two, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do js / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, parkrun, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, tree stuff, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.