Blog2024 ≫ TWO days in a row at work

Yes, another busy few days. Went into work on Wednesday and Thursday for a team event. First day was mostly presentations and little talks, and indeed I had to present. I was running a bit late as I had to take T2 to school first and drop him off at breakfast club. Going a little later meant I had a productive morning though, as I was able to put some chilli in the slow cooker to have for tea later, and put the overnight washing in the dryer and set the timer to use the Octopus free energy that was due later in the day.

Got to work at about 9:15 to find the day was already underway, presentations had started, and up on the screen was a slide adjacent to mine in the slide deck. So did I just miss my slot..? No, I am up next. So I was able to drop by bag and walk up to the front to take over. My "slide" was the holding slide I had left in, a plain page with a few bullet points on rather than the fancy graphics of the slide before. "Sorry I'm late, I was up all night working on this slide", I said, and I absolutely slayed. Everything went well after that.

In the afternoon we started a multi-day hackathon, I was less invested in this. I got home, had tea, went to bed, and then straight up again, commuting in on the 7.30 this time. Clare was working late so was able to take T2 in.

We worked on our hack day project, and it went ok, but I was not excited by it. Never mind though as one of the directors ordered pizza in for everyone, good pizza with vegan options. So I was stuffed full and didn't need to buy lunch. Then at 3pm we headed off to Swinger, for mini golf, more food, and more drinks! Swingers is good, a nice venue, not quite as good as Puttshack I think. Food was good and plentiful too, a specially cordoned off vegan section for me, and quite good drinks. Cold fizzy beer, but also frozen pina colada on tap which was tasty.

I had to leave at five and actually run for the train so didn't get time to enjoy all of it, but it was a good day. I was back in reasonable time to pick the boys up from Grandpa's, and he drove us home. Clare working late again, but a good day for her too. She had the final interview and is now fully qualified at whatever it is she does.

Today back to working from home. We continued with the hack day, but I did more of the usual work, investigating bots and security. I went for a run at lunchtime to go and collect the beetle. Staying in tonight though, as Clare is working again! Think we'll finish Iron Man 3.

Tomorrow, back to parkrun, then am I free? Can I get a haircut? Can I go to the pub? Then on Sunday will we go to the travel agent..?


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Paul Clarke's weblog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed to Clare and father to 2, I am a full stack web engineer, + I do js / Node, some ruby, python, php etc. I like pubs, parkrun, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.