Blog2024 ≫ We went to Deal for the day

We had a lovely day off on Monday, we went to Deal Castle. We got the train there too so the journey was pleasant. There was a proper wrong'un on our train, I believe she was travelling back from Folkestone where she had been to buy someone's prescription drugs off them.

Anyway it wasn't all crime, Deal itself was pretty quiet, but it was a Monday. First we went in a place called Pop Up Cafe for coffee and a snack. The coffee was really good and the snacks were mostly vegan. I had a granola slice. Then a walk in the wind and the cold to the castle. It's not very big and doesn't take long to "do", but it was nice. English Heritage membership for the win!

After we tried to find somewhere good to eat, but we failed. Some places are just not open this early in the week. I'll tell you what was open though, the micropub! Clare and the boys went to the arcade, and it took them so long to spend the money I gave them that I had time for a pint, then I checked in on them, and then I went back for another pint. It's a nice friendly place, I remembered it from five years ago remembered someone I had met there last time who had made an impression. And he was there again this time and he remembered me. Very strange.

Beer in Deal Micropub

After we thought we'd go to another pub all together before getting the train back. We went in one that looked really quite rough, and nothing inspiring to drink, so straight out again. The Wetherspoons looked the next best option, it was comfortable and welcoming of children, but the beer was rank. I even had a try of it before I bought a full pint. Ah well, stopped me drinking too much.

We gave up on trying to find dinner in Deal and came back to Folkestone, and went to Luben. Everyone agreed it was a lovely relaxing day all round, even those who had spent less time in the pub.

So my Febrewery list so far:

  1. The Potting Shed1, Hythe.
  2. The Bouverie Tap, Folkestone.
  3. The Radnor Arms, Folkestone.
  4. The Chambers, Folkestone.
  5. The British Lion, Folkestone.
  6. The Ship, Folkestone2.
  7. Blackmarket, Folkestone.
  8. Kipps' Alehouse, Folkestone.
  9. The Samuel Peto 3, Folkestone.
  10. Harvey's, Folkestone.
  11. The Parcel Yard, Kings Cross, London.
  12. The Nailbox, Folkestone.
  13. The Ship, Sandgate.
  14. The Just Reproach1, Deal.
  15. The Sir Norman Wisdom 3, Deal.

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Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in A small town, Kent. Wed + dad to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubs, running, eating, home automation + other diy stuff, history, genealogy, TV, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.