Blog2024 ≫ Runuary day 17

Same route as yesterday, and same time of day. Uphill bit first, then flat and downhill and flat for the rest. Even stopped for the same water stop. As cold as yesterday, maybe slightly colder, but not as sunny, not as nice. It's like the sun forgot to rise today. Two weeks of this runuary / dryanuary to go now.

T2 was totally fine again for school today.

There is a work thing I am expected to go to in February, but it's a) at head office in Welwyn Garden City, and b) on a Friday afternoon! It's mostly actually Friday evening but the evening bit is optional. It starts at 3pm and at best I can get away at 4.30pm, so I'm there for ninety minutes. Then if I do get to leave at 4.30pm, how do I get home, how long will that take? There is a shuttle bus from the office to the station, then it's a train from there to St Pancras, then to home. Best estimate I would be back in Folkestone at 7pm. I would not be going out that night anyway as Clare is on a late but I'd have to see if Jim to look after the boys after school, give them tea, and then drop them home. And then figure out what I could have for my dinner after that. It is doable but not ideal.

Oh also this event is now sold out. It's an odd one.

There was an energy saving session the last hour, came in too quick and we could not do it. I knew the oven would be on. There's free energy from 9am to midday tomorrow though so I will have washing and drying on then and turning my new heated throw up to the max. Sign up here1.

Light rain and a moderate breeze, -2 - 3℃.

dryanuary: Not drinking for all of January.

runuary: Running at least 5k every day for the month of January.


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Paul Clarkeʼs weblog - I live in A small town. Wed and dad to two, I'm a full-stack web developr, + I do javascript / Node, some ruby, other languages ect ect. I like pubbing, running, restaurants, home-automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, family tree stuff, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, and TIME TRAVEL.

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Yep, deliberately unstyled.