Went to our very last nativity play, the last of our children anyway. They don't do this sort of thing at the secondary school, so the final year of T2 at primary school is the last one. Clare went along earlier in the day when T2 was acting as narrator in the reception class play, and then I went along with her after lunch to see him in his own class play. He looked great in the angel wings we made and the moustache he bought (he was playing the part of a teacher, wearing angel wings). He sang a solo too, very surprising, and he was great.
Not quite as cold today, light cloud and a moderate breeze, 2 - 8℃.
Did manage to use some of the free energy today, had the tumble dryer, washing machine, and heated rail on. Clare was mostly home though so she would have been using just as much energy for the rest of the day. Sign up here to Octopus Energy1 and we both earn some money. I got £50 back on this month's bill because my nephew joined up recently.
I did get a warning from the water company my water usage this month is significantly higher than usual. Can't think of a good reason for it, and there's no numbers on it, so it might just be a standard letter they're sending out scaring you into paying for water pipe insurance or something. Might be more to it, we did have two dripping toilet cisterns fixed last month.
Really enjoying Squid Game: The Challenge on TV, we're all watching it.
Oh there's a major incident in Sandgate this evening, an accident of some sort. I walked along to Sandgate, could see blue lights before I got there, and the road and even the pavement were cordoned off. There were half a dozen police cars, three ambulances, and a fire engine there. I heard some proper howling too, in my head it was someone being cut out of a vehicle or something. Could not see what it really was. Police were interviewing lots of witnesses. Kentonline got nothing yet:
“The road is entirely blocked off heading from Sandgate High Street towards Seabrook,” he said.
“A police cordon stretches across the road's width, while a Stagecoach bus and at least nine emergency service vehicles can be seen inside the cordon.
“Traffic is being asked to turn around in both directions, while emergency service helicopters appear to have left the area.”
As of 9.20pm, the road remained cordoned off.
⬅️ Health stats 6/12/23 :: This Rwanda plan is the death knell for the tories ➡️
Paul Clarkeʼs blog - I live in Hythe in Kent. Married + father to 2, I am a full-stack web engineer, and I do javascript / nodejs, some ruby, python, php ect ect. I like pubbing, running, eating, home automation and other diy jiggery-pokery, history, genealogy, Television, squirrels, pirates, lego, + TIME TRAVEL.
Yep, deliberately unstyled.